The Ruby cow became a donor quickly at our place. After her first two natural calves, we knew we needed to test her on some other sires and see what she could do. We have flushed her to 2504, On Duty, Benton, Final Print, Harvester, and Maker’s Mark, and have many daughters in production.
She has a nice youthful udder, with small teets, and milks the perfect amount. This cow family is one of the best uddered and most prolific cow families in our herd. 413B comes from a long line of VCR bred females, so we are confident in her genetic potential! If you are interested in purchasing a flush or embryos, please give Blake a call.
Bred by: Valley Creek Ranch, Fairbury, NE
For Flush Rights contact: Blake McGee 402-310-8881
VCR 993W Ruby 413B
Reg. #P43524403 • Homozygous Polled • dob. 2/9/14
Sire. KJ 426T Vincent 993W
Dam. VCR 743 What About Ruby 229Z

VCR 2504 Convenience 711E

VCR 2504 Consensus 960G ET

After proving herself time and time again, we finally added 509C to the donor pen this fall. She is the mother to Hombre, and an outstanding young cow in production in our herd. She has a Harvester heifer calf at side this fall that we are very excited about, and we flushed her the same way recently.
Uma has been a standout in production, with a near perfect udder, and ideal structure and size, she is the kind of cow you can build a herd around. She hails from a long line of VCR bred females on both sides of her pedigree, so the guess work is done with this one. If you are interested in purchasing a flush or embryos, please give Blake a call.
Bred by: Valley Creek Ranch, Fairbury, NE
For Flush Rights contact: Blake McGee 402-310-8881
VCR 236Z Uma 509C
Reg. #P43624081 • Homozygous Polled • dob. 2/2/15
Sire. VCR 993W ULTIMATE 236Z – P43327144
Dam. VCR 214M LITTLE DEBBIE 60X – P43172326

VCR 173D Hombre 29H
Natural Calf out of Uma