Welcome to Valley Creek Ranch!

With over 55 years in the purebred Hereford business, we take pride in producing functional cattle that will go out and make money for our customers.

Valley Creek Ranch is a family run operation that now spans five generations. Scott got his start in the registered business with help from his grandparents, Harry and Velma Vahle.  The original ranch was located north of Alma, NE, and the name changed from McGee Polled Herefords to Valley Creek Ranch in the early 90’s.  The nod to Harry’s last name Vahle, and the creek that ran through the home place were both incorporated into the new name.

VCR has exhibited on the local, regional and national levels for over 35 years. They were honored to exhibit the Champion Pen of Heifers at the 2017 National Western Stock Show, and  raised and exhibited the Overall Champion Cow/Calf Pairs at two junior nationals in 1990 and 1999.

The ranch welcomes visitors to stop by and view the breeding program anytime. Bulls and replacement heifers are for sale private treaty at the ranch throughout the year. We will also be consigning bulls and yearling replacement heifers to the Kester Herefords sale on March 4, 2024 in Atkinson, NE.


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